woensdag 27 november 2013

Kruistabel groep EFGH

Ranking and Games after round 7 of 2e Antoon Holla  EFGH
No.  PNo.  Name                R1    R2    R3    R4    R5    R6    R7   CB Score
  1.    4  Rutten, Alexander  12w1  13b1   9w1  11b1   6w1   1w1   2b1   1  7.0
  2.   13  Ekker, Joshua       5w1   4w0   2b1   8w1   1b0  11w1   6b1   1  5.0
       11  Lucas, Alex         3w1   2w1   6b1   4w0   9b1  13b0  14b1  -1  5.0
  4.    2  Van Wijk, Justin   10w1  11b0  13w0   5b1   8b1   9w1   4w0   1  4.0
        9  Muntean, Felix      1w1   8w1   4b0  14b1  11w0   2b0  12w1   1  4.0
  6.    6  Rutjens, Lars      14w½   1b1  11w0  10b1   4b0   7w1  13w0   1  3.5
        1  Smael, Giel         9b0   6w0   3b1  12w1  13w1   4b0  10w½   1  3.5
       14  Ekker, Maxim        6b½   3w1   8b0   9w0   7b1   5b1  11w0  -1  3.5
        5  Ramaekers, Dries   13b0  10w½  12b1   2w0   3b1  14w0   7b1  -1  3.5
 10.   12  Steijn, Kasper      4b0   7b1   5w0   1b0  10w1   8w1   9b0  -1  3.0
        8  Hoogers, Gwendolyn  7w1   9b0  14w1  13b0   2w0  12b0   3b1  -1  3.0
       10  Lucas, Emma         2b0   5b½   7w1   6w0  12b0   3w1   1b½  -1  3.0
 13.    3  Smael, Jos         11b0  14b0   1w0   7b1   5w0  10b0   8w0  -1  1.0
 14.    7  Ramaekers, Cis      8b0  12w0  10b0   3w0  14w0   6b0   5w0   1  0.0

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